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Meeting and minutes / public access to meetings

The Corporation shall decide whether a person should be allowed to attend any of its meetings where that person is not a member or the Governance Director.

Members of the public or the press are not allowed to attend Corporation or committee meetings as observers, (unless invited to do so), apart from any public meetings that the College may hold.

Where a member of the public or press is given observer status at a public meeting of the Governing Board, the Chair will stress that certain items of business may be regarded as confidential. In such cases, the person will be required to withdraw from the meeting.

Unless specifically invited to do so, members of the public and the press do not have speaking rights at any time during a meeting of the Corporation.

If there is any form of disruption by observers, the Chair has the authority to suspend the meeting. When it is possible to reconvene the meeting, the Corporation will consider the withdrawal of the invitation to the members of the public and/or press to attend the meeting. The decision of the Corporation in such matters is final.

Requests to attend a meeting of the Corporation or one of its Standing Committees should be made in writing to the Governance Director at governance@sthelens.ac.uk.

Minutes of Corporation Meetings

You can download minutes of meetings below:
Minutes of committee meetings are available on request from the Governance Director at governance@sthelens.ac.uk

How to Become a Governor

We have several exciting opportunities for you to make a difference in Knowsley and St Helens through volunteering as a governor.

You can download are information packs below:

External Governor Recruitment Pack

Audit Committee Co-optee Pack

Curriculum and Quality Committee Co-optee Pack

If you wish to submit an expression of interest in becoming a College Governor, please contact the Governance Director in the first instance:

Carys Bibby
Governance Director

01744 623104