St Helens College | 2024 School Leavers' Prospectus

Jeanine James Ensure that every individual is respected and valued. Provide an enjoyable, safe, supportive and caring environment, building confidence and providing excellent skills development for life and work. Provide a supportive culture. Lynda Suzanne Olivia Sam Your wellbeing and safety at College is very important to us, which is why we have a dedicatedwellbeing service for students who feel they need help or support with a range of mental health and emotional issues. The College's Safeguarding, Mental Health &Wellbeing Team is available across all campuses, whenever you need to talk to someone. We also have a dedicatedChaplaincy Hub, which is a quiet, comfortable room, where you can rest, think, meditate or pray. Jackie As aCollegewe aim to: For more information, visit: 20 Key Information Parent/Carers We knowhow important it is for your child to have a smooth transition fromschool to college and for you to be a part of that process. We arewholeheartedly committed to ensuring that your child has access to the support they require to help themsuccessfully achieve their qualifications andmake plans for their future. The information belowwill hopefully answer any questions youmay have, as a parent or carer, about your child starting College. All of our students are allocated a Progress Coach (PC) whilst they are studyingwith us and they will monitor their progress throughout to support them to achieve their full potential. If you have any questions, concerns or issues that youwould like to discuss regarding their studies or their experiences in College, please do not hesitate to contact themdirectly. Their contact details will be provided on the first day your child starts College. Youwill also have the opportunity to review your child's in year progress at any time by logging into our tracking system, ProPortal. Log-in details will be issued to you at the start of the academic year. This systemenables you to view their attendance and punctuality and also review their achievement to date for academic progress. In addition to this, youwill receive progress reports twice throughout the academic year highlighting their progress, such as target grades, attendance and punctuality. Monitoring Progress The College's first Parent Welcome Event, which takes place in September, is a great opportunity for you tomeet your child's tutors, ask questions and receive additional information about all aspects of their study programme including English andmaths, if applicable. Further details will be provided via your child at the start of the academic year. ParentWelcome Event We hold two Parents' Evenings throughout the academic year, to keep you fully informed about your child's progress, including any target areas that will help and support them to improve. Information regarding dates and times will be provided at the start of the academic year. Parents' Evenings We value and appreciate your feedback regarding your child's experience at College, and view it as a crucial opportunity to evaluate and improve the quality of education, care, and support for our students. Parent Voice Visit our dedicated parent section for more information: 21