St Helens College | 2024 School Leavers' Prospectus

If you are academically strong and have a career inmind, T Levels are a great option for you. They are two-year qualifications, designed by leading businesses and employers to give you a head start towards your career! T Levels are an alternative to A levels, BTECs and apprenticeships and include a 45-day industry placement. They carry the same amount of UCAS points as three A levels. You could choose to progress on to university, into employment or on to a higher/degree apprenticeship. WHAT ARE AVAILABLE AT ST HELENS COLLEGE? 80%COLLEGE 20%PLACEMENT You’ll spend 80%of your time in College and 20%on a 45-day placement with an employer, gaining amazing experience. 1 T LEVEL= 3 A LEVELS 1 T Level is equivalent to 3 A levels, whichmeans you can progress to university, employment or a higher/degree apprenticeship! BACKED BY BUSINESSES T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. COURSE AREA T LEVEL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Digital Support Services (see page 59) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language andmaths. Digital Management and Administration (see page 51) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language andmaths. Business and Administration Early Years Educator (see page 71) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language andmaths and a clear DBS. Education and Childcare Supporting the Adult Nursing Team (see page 85) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language, maths and science. Health Electrical and Electronic Engineering (see page 74) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language and science, and a grade 5 inmaths. 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language and science, and a grade 5 inmaths. Design andDevelopment for Engineering and Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering (see page 74) Electrotechnical Engineering (see page 63) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language, maths and science. Plumbing and Heating Engineering (see page 65) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language, maths and science. Building Services Engineering Animal Care andManagement (see page 41) 5GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language, maths and science. Animal Care 30 41 STUDENT STORIES Open your camera and hover over theQR code below to listen to students' T Level stories! SCANME T Levels are a big part of theGovernment’s plan to transformeducation in the UK. They will create a newgeneration of highly skilledworkers that the UK needs for its future economy to be successful. Why have T Levels been developed? Apprenticeships are paidwork, suitable for students who knowwhat occupation they want to pursue andwish to train ‘on the job’ (80% in theworkplace, 20%off the job). T Levels are largely classroom based, with a significant industry placement (80% in the classroom, 20% in theworkplace). What’s the difference between a T Level and an apprenticeship? Youwill be fully supported by your course tutor and progress coach throughout your studies including access to the College’s dedicated safeguarding andmental healthwellbeing team. What support is available? T Levels can lead to university, a higher/degree apprenticeship or employment! What can a T Level lead to? We'll do this together! We'll support you to find and secure your industry placement to ensure it matches your career aspirations and aligns to your T Level route. We already have great relationships with local and regional employers, whichmeans you’ll get themost out of your work experience. Do I have to find the industry placement? FAQ's