St Helens College | 2024 School Leavers' Prospectus

Youwill have lots of opportunities to go on exciting trips in the UK and overseas. Whether it is having outdoor adventures with the National Citizen Service (NCS) or visiting popular cities, you'll make amazingmemories! Student Council Trips and Travel Students are nominated as a course representative and have the opportunity to take part in conferences throughout the year andwork with Collegemanagement to communicate ideas and contribute to important decisions. Student Governors Each year, the College's Board of Governor's appoints a student as a Student Governor. This role involves representing the student body, attendingmonthlymeetings with College management including the Principal and also supporting the College'smarketing and events teamwith exciting projects! Charity Fundraising Initiatives Each year, staff and students across all campuses take part in fundraising activities to raisemoney for local and national charities including; Red Nose Day, Christmas Jumper Day, Brave the Shave, Children In Need, Macmillan Cancer Support and Superhero Day. Life at St Helens College is somuchmore than studying... you'll discover newplaces, share amazing experiences with your friends and develop skills and interests that you thought you never had. Youwill even have the opportunity to take part in activities and fundraising events to boost your CV or UCAS application! 4 Work Experience and Volunteering Experience is key to securing your dream career. That is why wework closely with both local and regional organisations to provide you with industry placements and volunteering opportunities to develop your skills and experience. Guest Speakers and Industry Insight There are plenty of opportunities to hear from guest speakers and industry professionals related to your course area. Youwill gain first-hand experience, insight and advice andwill also have the chance to take part in masterclasses and activities to leave you feeling inspired. Increase your chances of employment with The Duke of Edinburgh’s globally recognised award. Learn how to become a teamplayer and a leader and gain the desirable skills that employers are looking for! Develop life long skills, increase your confidence and build resilience, ready to take on newchallenges. Competitions Many of our students have had the opportunity to showcase their skills at regional competitions such asWorldSkills UK, HIP Learner of the Year, and the Association of Hairdressers and Therapists (AHT), with somemaking it through to the National Finals! 5