College Strategic Plan - 2022 - 2025

Anchor Institution Building upon our role as an anchor institution in Knowsley and St Helens and contributing to the leadership of education and skills ecosystems. We recognise that the College has a much wider role in contributing to local productivity, prosperity and a sense of place. Through its activities, the College also helps to improve life outcomes and reduce inequality. To achieve this goal, we will: • contribute fully to the development and delivery of the strategies and post-pandemic recovery plans of local authorities, the Combined Authority, and other partners. • continue to work with stakeholders to be the first-choice provider to meet the learning and skills needs of key local initiatives and inward investment opportunities. Parkside Regeneration Kirkby Town Centre Development St Helens Town Centre Regeneration 10 College Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025 • further develop our partnerships with the voluntary and community sector to better understand and overcome barriers to learning and employment and to champion and support underrepresented groups. • work with our partners to share intelligence and facilitate a smooth transition between educational phases. We will work with local authorities and key stakeholders with a shared sense of accountability and common purpose to contribute to system leadership, understanding that we can add much more value if we work together to pool our resources and expertise.