College Strategic Plan - 2022 - 2025

Delivering an outstanding experience, placing students and apprentices at the heart of everything we do. Outstanding Student Experience Our ambition is to support and empower our students to ‘dream big’ by providing an outstanding experience that raises their aspirations and motivates them to achieve the very best outcomes. We have the highest expectations of our students, and in turn, they have high expectations of us. We are committed to providing them with every opportunity to reach their full potential - academically, professionally and socially. To achieve this goal, we will: • firmly ground teaching and learning in outstanding, research informed practices. • provide access to a wide range of experiences and enrichment opportunities, that enable our students to develop employability and other skills and to build confidence, resilience, and social and cultural capital. • motivate and nurture students to achieve excellence in their academic studies and skills development. • ensure student support is holistic, tailored and meets individuals’ specific needs, and focuses resources on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people and adults. • spotlight the successes of student and apprentice alumni as champions of the College and aspirational role models for current and prospective students. 5 College Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025