School Leaver Prospectus 2024 | Knowsley Community College

*Salary data collected from various sources, see page 78 for details, July 2023 Visit creativemedia f or more information MainCampus Based in our £70k film studio, equippedwith the latest blackmagic cameras, director’s gallery, editing suites and green screen, you will explore the creative world of cinematography and experiment with camera production and recording sound. Our industry-experienced tutors have fantastic employer links, enabling you towork on live projects and briefs with professional clients. Whether you want to become a producer, journalist, camera operator or work within TV and film, this could be the first step towards a career in the creative industries. Camera Operator £18k - £42k+ Video Editor £18k - £45k+ TV/FilmProducer £30k - £100k+ RadioBroadcast Assistant £16k - £29k Broadcast Journalist £23k - £42k+ LiveSound Engineer £25k - £40k+ Industry Links 60 Creative Media Course Title Entry Requirements Progression Level 2Diploma Level 3 ExtendedDiploma Level 3 or Employment University or Employment 4GCSEs at grade 4 or above (including English andmaths) 2GCSEs at grade 4 or above and 2GCSEs at grade 3 or above Course Level 3 Extended Diploma Joined us from North Liverpool Academy Ash Aspiring FilmDirector "I’ve always had a passion for filmand inmy spare time, I createmy own animations and share themonline. The course enabledme to explore this further by working on creative projects and I am so happy I got into my first-choice university, Edge Hill University." Paul Machin, co-founder of the awardwinning 'Redmen TV', came into College and talked to the students about how the fan-owned podcast and streaming service began, including the different roles they have within their team. 61