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Knowsley Community College
Adults (aged 19+) Application Form

Please use this form to apply for an adult course,
including Access to HE, Distance Learning and Business and Professional.

If you would like to apply to study an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course, please complete an ESOL Enquiry Form here.
To apply for a part-time degree, please complete a Part-time HE Application Form here.

Personal Details

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Please enter your gender.

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Please input the first half of your postcode into the first box, and the second half of your postcode into the second half.

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Please let us know your home phone number. If you don't have a home number, please enter your mobile number.

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Course Choice

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Adult courses have start dates throughout the year. They're ideal if you want to learn new skills, develop existing ones, change career, boost your confidence, gain qualifications or simply learn for fun. Use this option if you would like to apply for BTEC's, NVQ's, Certificates, Business and Professional Courses and short leisure courses.
Access to HE
Access to Higher Education (HE) courses are designed to help individuals who left school without formal qualifications or for those who have significant life experience outside of formal education and are looking to gain a formal qualification in order to progress onto a degree course at University.
Distance Learning
You will complete the course through an interactive online learning platform and will be assessed through a series of online assessments, with no formal exams.
Part-time degree course
If you want to study a degree or HNC/D, but cannot attend university on a full-time basis, studying part-time is a great way to balance further study with other commitments such as work. You will need to complete our Part-time HE Application Form.
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Distance Learning

Please select which distance learning course you are interested in studying using the link below:

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Please enter your course choice using the box below:

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Access to HE

Please enter your first and second choices in the boxes below:

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Applicants must have achieved English and Maths GCSEs at grade A-C (or grade 9-4 or equivalent).

If you do not have these GCSEs, don't let this be a barrier to you realising your aspirations. We offer the Pre-Access Skills for Further Study programme as a stepping stone, where you can study GCSE English and maths, in preparation for progressing on to the Access to HE Diploma.

Personal Statement

Please provide further information to support your application for your chosen course. You should consider:

  • Previous study.
  • Paid or unpaid work experience.
  • Relevant life experience.
  • The personal abilities and qualities.
  • Why you want to study the course and what you hope to do once you have completed the course.
  • Any other relevant information that will help demonstrate your suitability for the course.
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Please list all the qualifications that you have previously achieved. Include those where the results are not yet known:

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Work Experience

Please provide details of any paid or voluntary work experience, starting with your current or latest job.

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Work Experience 2

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Health, Disability and Additional Learning Support

To help you succeed, it important that we are aware of any additional support that you may need. This will allow us to arrange any reasonable adjustments to support your needs.

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How did you hear about us?

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What we do with the information we gather

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, in particular for the following reasons:

  • We will use the contact details provided to invite you to attend information and enrolment events in relation to your course and to request further information from you, where required, to support the admissions and enrolment process and to keep in touch with you before starting your course.
  • We may use the information provided to monitor and support your progress as a student.
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
  • We may periodically send promotional emails about new products/services or other information which we think you may find interesting, using the mail address which you have provided.
  • From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone or mail.

Your personal information
By completing this form you are giving your consent to us processing your personal information in this way. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law. You have the right to request details of personal information which we hold about you.

For further information about we use and store your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy.


Once you have hit the "Submit Form" button, please wait a moment while you are directed to our application confirmation page.