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Year 10 and 11 Open Event

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
5.00pm - 7.00pm
Town Centre Campus, The STEM Centre and Green Energy Skills Centre

Our Open Events are the best way to explore what we have on offer. From our brand new T Levels, BTEC/Vocational and Technical courses to Apprenticeships, we’ve got plenty of courses to suit you.

Our Open Events are a fun and relaxed way to:

Tour our facilities
Meet our expert tutors
Chat to our Apprenticeships Team and view our live vacancies
Explore our T Level offer!
Discover our Vocational and Technical courses

Not sure what you want to do yet? No problem! This is the perfect event to explore your options, find out what interests you and what you could see yourself doing as a job in the future.

Register Your Place

To register your place to attend, simply fill in the form below:

When and Where?

Picture of our Town Centre Campus, STEM Centre Campus and Langtree Campus

Find out which campus you need to visit:

  • For Animal Management, Engineering, Construction and Motor Vehicle courses, including T Levels and Apprenticeships within these areas, please visit The STEM Centre.
  • For Plumbing and Gas Engineering courses, including T Levels and Apprenticeships in this area, please visit Green Energy Skills Centre.
  • For all other vocational courses, including T Levels and Apprenticeships within these areas, please visit the Town Centre Campus.

Can’t Make Our Open Event?

No problem! We have a number of events taking place throughout the year. To be kept up to date, simply fill in your details below:

* indicates required

We can't wait to welcome you to St Helens College.
Your journey starts here!